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Dear Beloved Here is brief about the ministry God called me for winning souls  There are more than 7,57,259 villages in India. It has been reported that more than 7.5 million of villages have no Christian witness or a Church in ourThird-world country, India.The Life Revival Fellowship India, a faith-based evangelistic organization, is established in 1998 with a vision to reach and evangelize those unreached villages, and make the Lord Jesus Christ known to all people of India, through various Gospel and Charitable activities. With the same vision and burden we are serving the needy, dedicating our lives, even by leaving our Family, religious, economical and educationalBackgrounds, and humble
The link below is to a gospel music and travel video that contains around 20 bible verses, each of which is relevant to a specific photo or short video clip. Each verse means a lot to me, and I hope to exchange thoughts with fellow Christians on the impact of any one or more of these verses on our lives in Jesus.