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Hello, I am new to Christianity I am not yet baptized since last year I am going to catholic Church but Last 3 weeks I am attending to Lutheran Church Catholic church father said that for baptism parents permission need compulsory my parents are not Christian they won't allow me to become a Christian so i consult Lutheran Church pastor They said You are adult So we will give baptism on Easter day still now I have some confusion which church should I join catholic Church or Lutheran Church I have some problem with catholic Church teachings like praying or bowing head and kiss the statues of Mary and Joseph in my local parish While Lutheran Church teach Faith alone Grace alone Scripture alone please guide me

    • Hello,

      I was many years in the catholic church and left it, because I had also problems with some things they do. I looking for a freechurch, but you will find everywhere something you don't like. I believe it is important to pray for it and find a church which is bible faithful.

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